Rómulo Martínez
Maracaibo, 1979. lIves and works in Bogotá, Colombia.
Graduated in Plastic Arts at the University of Zulia and Master in Artistic Production at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. He has several academic awards and artistic rewards and eight solo exhibition in museums and outstanding cultural institutions, among them: 5 de Julio con Av. Universidad (2008) Art Centre of Maracaibo “Lía Bermúdez”, Restitución (2015) Aula Magna, Rafael Urdaneta University (URU), Consumibles (2015) Contemporary Art Museum of Zulia, Consumo retornable (2016) Museum Alejandro Otero in Caracas and Materia presentada (2016) at La Pared Gallery in Bogotá-Colombia. He has participated in more than 50 collective exhibitions and art salons. His work has been exhibited in different Venezuelan cities and internationally in art salons and fairs in Colombia, Spain, USA, Singapore, Peru and Argentina. Before moving to Colombia, he was teaching plastic art at the Directorate of Culture of the University of Zulia (2012-2015).